3 Reasons to Take Advantage of Our 2018 Winter Service Program — Humphreys' Outdoor Power

3 Reasons to Take Advantage of Our 2018 Winter Service Program


Every winter we run an incentive program to keep our mechanics busy and to provide service to our customers without the wait that typically comes during the spring rush.  This year we’re offering 10% off all parts used in our shop on your mower and raffling off a Stihl FS 38 Trimmer. As if those reasons weren’t enough, here are 3 reasons to bring your mower to Humphreys Outdoor Power between December 1, 2017 and January 31, 2018.

  1. Beat the Spring Rush: When the grass starts growing in earnest, mowers start breaking. It doesn’t matter what brand (although some are tougher than others), eventually machines breakdown due to constant use. Because they break when you use them and because most of Indiana is using them at the same time, this can cause delays in repair. While our expert mechanics move as fast and efficiently as they can, there can frequently be a 2-3 week waiting period during our busiest season. Getting your mower serviced and checked out in the winter allows you to have your mower in the best shape to tackle the heavy mowing season and will limit the chances of not having a lawn mower in the spring.

  2. Bumped Up In Spring: If you should experience an issue in the spring and had brought your mower in for service during the winter, you will automatically be moved to the front of the line. Our mechanics are the best in the business and we pride ourselves on equipment being fixed when we say it’s fixed. But, if something goes wrong, we’ll make it right by taking care of you first!

  3. Prolong the life of your equipment: Proper maintenance is the key to keeping your equipment going, and our mechanics are the best in the business. Bringing your mower in regularly can prolong the life of your machine and prevent serious issues from arising later down the line. Doing this at a discounted price is all the more reason!

Don’t forget, we’re offering 10% off all parts used in our shop between December 1, 2017 and January 31, 2018. Bring your units in and take advantage of our special offers and get entered for your chance to win a brand new Stihl FS 38 trimmer! If you need us to pick up your mower, give us a call or come in today to schedule a pickup! 

Schedule Your Appointment TODAY!